You always get an equal return on your effort

The universe can not deny the work you put into something.

You must be able to apply your full effort despite the guarantee of the result you think you want, because the result is guaranteed. Whatever effort you put in is guaranteed to give you an equal output, whether this is in the immediate result you wanted, experience, connections, or “karma”. You are always given an equal return on the effort you put into something.

Many people go through their life blindly following the faith of religion, believing if they follow a set of rules they will achieve their desired outcome. The same applies in life. You must revoke your doubts, and allow yourself to apply all of your effort into things in order to see opportunities and results. If you can not get over the mental barrier of seeing results for your effort, you will live your life with a subconscious limiter on your effort.

If you are going to fear something, fear the universe. Because the universe will punish you for your wrong doings, lack of effort, and shitty attitude. It will also reward you for the opposites.

The universe is my religion, and I speak it’s language. Effort. Effort is my faith.