- Understand This
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- If They're Calling You Crazy You're Winning
If They're Calling You Crazy You're Winning
First of all people will only understand in hindsight. The things you do to succeed. The sacrifices. The suffering. When you “make it” then all of the things you did will finally click in their head, the steps will make sense.
They either believe in the lie of a 9-5 standard workers life, or they do not want to face the discomfort it would take to get out of it and live a truly meaningful life.
The world has taken advantage of the human instinct to avoid discomfort, and given people the bare minimum amount of comfort they will accept in exchange for their labor.
Knowing this rule you can take advantage of it: Your success is directly correlated to your willingness to be more uncomfortable than the next person. If you’re willing to not drink, excommunicate people, leave girls who don’t treat you the way you want, go to the gym 5 days a week, and work 12+ hour days. The guy who isn’t cant compete with you.
Look at the data that’s in front of you. The world is set up to give people the bare minimum they are willing to settle for related to their discomfort… So if you are simply willing to be more uncomfortable than anyone else, you win.
What you settle for is where you will be. If you settle to have a certain job, because it pays you X dollars which gets you X comfort and you’re scared of losing X comfort, then that’s where you will be. If you settle for a girl who is treating you like shit , because you’re scared of the discomfort of being alone that’s where you’ll be.
Do you think that any billionaire had a job that paid him $100,000 a year and thought, “Yes I am satisfied with this”? Normal people do that. They have a certain level of comfort they want to achieve in their head and they try to get there. They see dollars as comfort, that a job that pays them that amount of money is comfort.
The idea of selling the 8 best hours of your day to barely be comfortable is bullshit.
Real comfort is built through discomfort.
The more of it you are willing to handle the better your life will be.
People will try so hard to avoid discomfort, that they will even look at what someone else is doing to build themselves up and they will label them as something negative. They will justify why they are not doing that thing, because if they accepted they were supposed to do it they would have to face that discomfort. They would have to look at themselves in the mirror and accept they are less than that person.
People who do this are solidifying their identity, and creating a stronger bond of being the type of person who cant do that thing, the second they label someone negative they’ve emotionally invested themselves into it, because they’ve pointed their finger and said they are crazy, if they do that thing that makes them crazy. Even though it would help them grow…
If you look at something someone is doing and label them as crazy or too extreme, you are just scared of the discomfort it would take to do what they are doing, which makes you a bitch.
I am willing to be more uncomfortable than you.
Be mad.