Speak The Universal Language

If you learn how to speak the same language as the universe you can have anything you want.

The only language the universe can understand is effort. It does not speak English, Spanish, or Chinese.

Words are only effective in figuring out what you want. After you know what you want, you must tell the universe through effort.

You can use your words, but the universe will not understand what you’re saying, and will ignore you.

The universe only understands effort. When you act, it reacts. You tell it through your actions what it is that you want from it.

Understanding this allows you to learn how to effectively communicate with the universe to always get what you want.

Obviously if you want to be fit, you know exactly what you need to do to get the result. If it is truly what you want, then you can tell the universe, through action, that you want it. You start going to the gym, eating good, and sleeping properly. The universe hears that you want to be fit and gives you fitness.

You simply have to clearly understand what it is that you want.

knowing that you can have absolutely anything you want makes it easier to identify exactly what it is that you want, because now it is a reality that you can have it.

Then you simply start talking to the universe, telling it that you want that thing.

It will talk back to you, in it’s language.